Hoosiers Host Local Tea Party

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Peggy Skirvin (top) and Glenda Reber (bottom) joined hundreds of others protesting wasteful government spending.
Photos by Linda Karn
(posted Apr 16)

The State Capitol's lawn became a rallying site for about two thousand people who protested their dissatisfaction with the government's spending of their tax dollars. The April 15 demonstration, dubbed the Indianapolis Tea Party, was one of many occurring nationally. The Tea Party was designed to guide lawmakers back to the principles of the US Constitution and capitalism.

Hundreds of demonstrators holding a plethora of signs with various messages gained the attention of drivers along Capitol Avenue and Washington Street. Drivers often responded by honking.

One man held a sign that said "No tax money to ACORN." There were several signs and flags saying "Don't Tread on Me." That motto represented the colonists' sentiments in the 1700s.

Jan Snyder held a sign that said "USA does not stand for unlimited social agenda." Snyder felt compelled to express her disagreement with the government's spending policies. She said she did not want to sit at her desk behind a computer and complain, but wanted to voice her concerns.

Richard Peck, 74, said "I came down to support the cause." He is tired of government waste and reminisced about the 1940s and 1950s when people relied on themselves to solve their hardships. He said immigration was about going to America for freedom, not entitlements like today. He said he is "sick of government twisting things" to explain their actions to the public.

One demonstrator carried a sign that said "Lamenting the Loss of Laissez-Faire", but there was also a man walking on the sidewalk selling American flags for a dollar.

Peggy Skirvin, 78, drove three hours from North Webster in an effort to save her grandchildren's future. "I care that much about my grandchildren to come," she said.

Glenda Reber attended her first demonstration at the age of 52. She was irked by the government stimulus plan and made her wishes known. Aaron Reber and Matt White accompanied her, carrying an American flag.